
There is no baby that does not cry, but some do cry too much. It is certainly a situation that causes you discomfort.

You try to calm it down with hugs, lullabies, bumps in the back for it to burp, but nothing seems to work. Are you worried about whether you have enough and good quality milk or if you ate something that, through breastfeeding, affects its stomach?

Many moms share the same concerns. But most of the time, baby crying is not related to the quality or quantity of milk from your breasts.

There are many reasons why a baby may cry. Through crying, the baby is trying to reach out to the world and, of course, is a challenge for you to understand what it is trying to say, especially in the beginning.

The first few days

Your baby adapts to a new world. Contact with your chest reassures it, even though you are still not producing enough milk. This will also happen gradually through frequent breastfeeding. Don’t worry about the frequency of breastfeeding or the fact that they may become irregular. Some babies are fed eight or nine times a day, while others “ask” to breastfeed more than 12 times.

Problems with crying and breastfeeding

If the baby is crying while trying to breastfeed, unable to find the nipple or fails to suck, it may help to hold it on your shoulder until it relaxes or reclines and lets it find the breast on its own. Remember that it is learning something new and it takes time to adjust. Be patient and, if you are very worried, seek help from a specialist.

After the third or fourth day

At this stage, the amount of milk in your chest has increased significantly. The baby may find it difficult to grip your nipple as the chest is now fuller. Try to pump some milk to make your breasts softer and make it easier to catch them. If you can’t, ask for help.

After a normal weight loss in the first few days, the baby is now starting to gain weight, from 140 to 250 grams each week. This means breastfeeding works – you can relax!

If, after the fourth day, you find that your baby is not getting the expected weight, consult your doctor. There are ways to help drink more milk through breastfeeding.

During the first two months

Around 3 and 6 weeks, many babies go through a period of rapid growth. Then they cry more and demand constant contact with the chest. It is normal. After two or three days, they will return to their previous habits. These frequent breastfeeding increases milk production to meet their needs.

What else can be happening?

Most often, a baby’s crying is not related to breastfeeding. It’s a way of telling you that something annoying is happening. How do you know what that is? Maybe it wants you close to it, needs to hear your voice and feel your warmth. Over time you will learn to recognize its personal “signals” so that you can respond.

How to handle the issue:

  • Even if it has sucked a while ago, give it your breast. Your baby may just need a dessert and breastfeeding can calm it down.
  • Hold it over you, naked. Direct contact with your skin works soothing.
  • Go for a walk, holding it to your hug or in the stroller.
  • Talk to it or sing to it. It is familiar with your voice – listened to it for months before it was born.
  • Take a bath with it.
  • If none of the above works, give your breast back. It may now be ready for it.

A helping hand …

Sometimes, all you can do when your baby cries is just be there. Your presence will reassure it, even if the crying doesn’t stop. Maybe your partner can hold it for you to take a break.

The good news is that as they get older, by the second or third month, babies are crying less. They learn to trust you and feel safe with the love and care you give them.

Avoid baby milk

What doesn’t help? The Chain: Baby Crying-Parental Anxiety-Baby Milk-Less Breastfeeding-Reduced Breast Milk Production.

The Doctor

Dr. Nikolopoulos maintains a private practice in ATHENS, while collaborating exclusively with MITERA’s maternity hospital and the new HYGEIA IVF Athens Assisted Reproduction Unit. At the same time, he is in charge of the Fertility and In Vitro Fertilization clinic at City Hospital, in the city of KALAMATA.

